
Date Change
20240101 First draft
20240229 Added avionics, silvus, and hand controller to the maintenance section, added networking info, improved warning and failsafe formatting, updated GCS overview
20240327 Added can bus info, updated CG location to 37%
20240329 Updated minimum Java version
20240410 Moved VPS Batteries - Warmup check, improved text on Mode - Auto checks, fixed some internal checklist links
20240425 Corrected density alt unit conversion, takeoff distance changed to 1,500 ft, added fuel bladder maintenance, added takeoff wind crosswind clarification
20240503 Add more defaults to Silvus appendix, stow payload to landing checklist, clarified CAN connection process
20240503 Added Emergency Procedures page
20240503 Updated Low FPS RPM, Low CHT, Bad GPS Health, and No RC Input warning sections
20240517 Clarified IP Address table, added GCS Computers section
20240517 Updated emergency procedures section
20240517 Added section on Rally settings

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