Maintenance Schedule

The Sapphire has components that require regular inspection intervals and ultimately have a service lifespan. There are two ways components are categorized: hours and cycles. Hours are defined as time that the aircraft is in flight. Cycles are defined as the number of flights completed (one takeoff and landing). It is critical to log flight hours and cycles to ensure that preventive maintenance occurs when needed.

Component Maintenance Interval Service Lifespan
Airframe 100 hours 2,000 hours
FPS Engine 50, 100, and 300 hours 1,000 hours
FPS Propeller 1,000 hours
VPS Propeller 500 cycles
VPS POD 1,000 cycles
ESC Logs 20 cycles n/a
Avionics Battery 1 Month 100 cycles or 2 years
VPS Batteries 1 Month 20 cycles or 1 year
Landing Gear 500 cycles
Servos 300 hours
APS Batteries 2 years

The maintenance schedule may change due to ongoing flight testing, evaluation, and customer feedback.

The inspection interval for batteries applies even during non-operations, such as during extended storage.

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