Risk Assessment Matrix

The following is a general risk assessment matrix intended to give a quantitative level of risk, based on numerous categories that affect flight operations. To use the risk assessment, evaluate each row, sum up the columns, and compare the total to the risk categories below.

Category Low (1) Moderate (2) High (3)
Weight (lbs) 86-109 110-119 120-130
Wind (knots) 0-14 15-20 21-25+
Density Alt (ft) 0-3,999 4,000-5,999 6,000-8,000*
Ambient Temp (°F) 40-105 20-39 or 105-114 <20 or >115
Humidity (% non-condensing) 0-59 59-80 81-95
Precipitation (" per hour) 0 0-0.20 0.21-0.25
Time of Day Day Dawn/Dusk Night
Terrain Open Field Forest Mountainous or Urban
Payload Normal New Experimental*
Crew Experience (hrs/person) >200 100-200 <100
Crew Currency (days) <30 30-90 >90
Crew Rest (hours) >8 6-8 <6
Operation Routine Demo or Training FCF or Test Flight*
VPS Battery (cycles) 0-10 11-16 17-20
Fuel Reserve (hours) >2 1-2 <1
  • Low Risk : 15-22
  • Medium Risk: 23-37
  • High Risk: 38-45

The following situations elevate the risk to high regardless of the risk assessment score:

  • Operating from 6,000-8,000 foot density altitude.
  • Operations immediately following training.
  • Flying an experimental payload.
  • After an autopilot firmware update.
  • After any FPS, VPS, or servo maintenance.
  • After a structural airframe repair.
  • After a hardware upgrade or retrofit.

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